8.1 Alterations to the Constitution.
The Constitution can only be altered at a quorate General Meeting. Such alterations shall be carried out after a two thirds majority vote of those present. The Committee may make interim changes to keep the Constitution legal and workable, such changes will be notified to club members in writing and will require approval at the next General Meeting.

8.2 Affiliations.
The Club shall affiliate to those associations that are considered necessary by the Committee for the good of The Club and it's members. Such affiliations shall be approved at the AGM.

8.3 Property.
Any and all property is vested in The Club Officers for the time being.

8.4 Winding Up.
In the event of The Club being wound up, the property shall be made over to an organisation nominated by The Club Officers. Any firearms or ammunition shall be made available firstly to Club members holding a valid firearms certificate with the relevant free space. After this they shall be made over to a registered firearms dealer to be sold to individuals or clubs interested. Any monies from the sale of said items will go to pay off any outstanding debts. After this time any remaining
money will be donated to a shooting charity of the Committee's choice, e.g. NRA Fighting Fund.

8.5 Availability of this Constitution.
This Constitution, along with all other rules documents, shall be made available to all members. Members may be required to cover printing and postage costs. The Code of Conduct will be given to all members before they sign the membership form.

8.6 Invalidity.
All previous versions of this Constitution are invalid from 5th August 2007.