3.1 The Officials of The Club will be:
a) Officers
i) The Chairman
ii) The Secretary
iii) The Treasurer
iv) The Vice Secretary
b) Non-Officers
i) The Social Secretary
and any other relevant posts which may from time to time become necessary.

3.2 The Chairman.
a) Shall take or delegate the Chair at all General Meetings, committee meetings and disciplinary panels;
b) Shall co-ordinate any sponsorship agreements The Club may have entered into;
c) Shall co-ordinate public relations with any outside organisation.
d) Shall be a signatory on the mandate for all bank accounts held by the club;
e) Shall be The Club's representative at meetings of organisations The Club is affiliated to;
f) May suspend with immediate effect any member from The Club;
g) Call disciplinary meetings if and when required;
h) Perform any other duties as they deem necessary.

3.3 The Secretary.
a) Shall keep or cause to be kept all minutes of General Meetings, committee meetings and disciplinary meetings;
b) Shall ensure all affiliations are kept up to date in accordance with any mandate from General Meeting;
c) Shall keep or cause to be kept records of membership, attendance, inventory and disciplinary verdicts;
d) Shall present, or delegate, evidence on behalf of The Club in any disciplinary hearing;
e) Shall be a signatory on the mandate for all bank accounts held by The Club;
f) Shall liaise with The Home Office and relevant Constabularies on all matters pertaining firearms and shooting including applications by members for Firearms Certificates;
g) Shall, along with the F.A.C. holder (if applicable), be ultimately responsible for the any items entered onto the certificate;
h) May suspend with immediate effect any member of The Club.
i) Shall deal with all documentation relating to The Club's shooting activities;
j) Shall perform any other duties as may become necessary.

3.4 The Treasurer.
a) Shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions undertaken by The Club;
b) Shall be a signatory on the mandate for all bank accounts held by The Club;
c) Shall be responsible for all orders placed by The Club;
d) Shall be responsible for collecting all monies owed to The Club and paying them into the relevant account;
e) May suspend with immediate effect any member of The Club;
f) Has right to veto any payment not agreed by the Committee or General Meeting;
g) Will within seven days of the request from a General or Committee Meeting produce a financial report of The Club;
h) Shall perform any other duties as may become necessary.

3.5 The Vice Secretary.
a) Shall aid the other Principal Officers in performing their duties as delegated;
b) Shall be a signatory on the mandate for any bank accounts held by The Club;
c) Shall assume the duties, responsibilities and privileges of any one other Club Officer in their absence. For the purposes of this clause an officer is deemed absent if they are unable to perform their duties or are not able to be contacted for a period exceeding two weeks;
d) Shall co-ordinate with the respective captains any multi-discipline competitions and be responsible for the co-ordination of The Club championships;
e) May suspend with immediate effect any member of The Club;
f) Shall perform any other duties as they feel necessary.

3.6 The Social Secretary.
a) Shall co-ordinate all Club social activities;
b) Shall ensure that all deposits (if required) are paid before any event;
c) Shall report to the Committee any instances of behaviour unbecoming of a member of The Club.