Bank Account and Membership Rates

The club's bank account has been opened and subscriptions are now due. Membership rates are £15 for 1 year, £60 for 5 years and £120 for 10 years. In addition there is a one off £10 joining fee to be added to the above rates. This only applies for the first year of membership or after a lapse in membership (discretional). Details are available from the minutes pages (Click on the legal link on the left).
A little late in notifying you, I know, but for those who don't know, Chris decided to resign as Treasurer of the club at the AGM this year, due to the, then, impending duties of fatherhood. Simon has stepped up to take the role on as well as his duties as small-bore rifle captain. May I thank Chris for all his work in the past and his continued support of the club.