Rules, Regulations and The Law

The links above are to the main rules and regulations governing the Club and its operation. There is also a link to a copy of Section 21 of the 1968 Firearms Act, which all prospective members must confirm that they are not prohibited to be in possession of a Firearm or Ammunition by virtue of it. The Constitution is arranged into 8 sections, the first block of links above. This is currently the accepted version although there may well be changes in the near future as the club gets organised. The Code of Conduct is tried and tested and should not be changing anytime soon.

On a lighter note the club also maintains a Policy book. Here you will find some more light hearted rules of the club. These rules basically do not fall under the heading of legal requirements or safety rules. The Policy document is subject to immediate change by the Committee as it sees fit. It can also be changed at General Meetings. The Constitution can only be changed at a General Meeting and then there are various conditions. The Code Of Conduct can be changed by the Committee and by-laws can be imposed by any member of the Committee or Range Safety Staff where there is concern for safety of the members or public.

The documents can be downloaded. All are in Adobe Acrobat format.

Constitution (62KB)

Code Of Conduct (16KB)

Section 21, Firearms Act 1968 © Crown Copyright. (9KB)