Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2003, held on the 2nd August at the London & Middlesex Rifle Association Clubhouse. Meeting called to order at an unspecified time, circa. 17:30.

1.     In attendance

1.1.       Jonathan (Micky) Kemp, Antony Dingle, Simon Hardy, Chris Manners, Ollie Campbell, Trevor Hart, Russell Higgs, Keith Langmead, Mohammed (Josh) Purdasy, Russ the Gnome.

2.     Apologies

2.1.       Apologies were received from Pete Clarke, Lee Sargant.

3.     Minutes of previous AGM

3.1.       The minutes of the previous AGM were made available and read by those present. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. Proposed that minutes were true and accurate record by Antony Dingle, seconded by Simon Hardy. Motion passed.

4.     Elections to committee.

4.1.       One proposal received. Keith Langmead proposed Simon Hardy for the position of Treasurer.
4.2.       Antony Dingle proposed that the current committee be re-elected to their respective positions for the next term of office. Seconded by Chris Manners. Motion passed.
4.3.       Antony Dingle proposed that Ollie Campbell be elected as Full-bore Rifle Captain. Seconded by Mohammed Purdasy. Motion Passed.
4.4.       Antony Dingle proposed that Trevor Hart be elected as Black Powder Captain. Seconded by Ollie Campbell. Motion Passed.
4.5.       Mohammed Purdasy proposed that Antony Dingle be elected as Air Gun Captain. Seconded by Trevor Hart. Motion Passed.
4.6.       Antony Dingle proposed that Mohammed Purdasy be elected as a committee member without specific duties. Seconded by Russell Higgs. Motion Passed.

Micky noted the lack of activity from the Press Officer.

5.     Committee Members reports.

5.1.       Secretary. Have not actually prepared a report. Gained Home Office Approval, 13 members of the club, got the club up and running, made it only to the first club shoot, asked for suggestions for what else done, Antony Dingle points out that has continued wrecking of club web site but not the forum as yet.
5.2.       Treasurer. Total income for year so far £1’038.55, Total expenditure £837.06, bulk of the income from memberships. Have made a little profit, enough to cover affiliations for next year and hope to get some club guns. Running costs for year about £200.
5.3.       Vice Secretary. Tour coming up to Northern Ireland, flying for the first time, cheaper thatn the Isle Of Mann trips. American trip comping up for 2004. Organised 2 club comps so far, medals to be awarded in due course probably at Club meal in October. Big box of silverware at home to be given out over time as prizes. Gloucestershire county captain & national shooting rep, being put on a fast track coaching course for national couching course. Has entered 4 air rifel competitions, Antony and Pete entered and won competition and Simon won something, yada, yada, yada…(see link below).

Power struggle between Micky and Antony. Chair passed by Micky to Antony as he wants it.

6.     Shoots for next year

6.1.       Antony Dingle: Arrange dates in advance, including booking things for Sunday. Captains to arrange other shoots separate to main weekends, arrange competitions etc.

7.     Membership Fees.

7.1.       Micky: Would like to increase membership fees from £15 to £20. Need to cover insurance & affiliations for next year.
7.2.       Simon: Still making it cheaper than many other clubs.
7.3.       Antony: Think it should be increased to £25.
7.4.       Proposed by Antony Dingle to increase membership fees to £25 per year. Seconded by Mohammed Purdasy. Motion Passed.
7.5.       Micky: DO we then drop the £10 joining fee? Needs to be ??? across the board.
7.6.       Josh: Extra covers admin.
7.7.       Proposed not to drop the joining fee. Accepted. (no apparent proposer or seconder).

Josh leaves the meeting at 18:55

8.     Affiliations.

8.1.       Micky: Assume that we want to remain at the LMRA.
8.2.       Chris and Trevor suggest that we stay at the LMRA.
8.3.       Antony: NRA about £150, NSRA less but insure of club, provides same as NRA and gives insurance. Get affiliation to NRA, NSRA, get insurance from NSRA.
8.4.       Micky: Find price for NSRA and add to affiliations list. Looking at getting renewal dates for club in December.

9.     Any other business.

9.1.       Simon: Any ideas about membership drive.
9.2.       Antony: Need more members.
9.3.       Micky: Ideal would be to get about 20 members.
9.4.       Antony: Couple from Reading, few ex-Plymouth people who can be asked.

Keith receives a text message to the sound of galloping horses. Antony request that this is noted.

9.5.       Antony: Can everyone have a think about it.
9.6.       Chris: Thanks to the committee for getting things started.
9.7.       Tony has managed to get some crosses which can be given out over time. First one goes to Micky as best shooter of the day… surprisingly!

Meeting closed at 19:10.

Vice Secretary's Report

Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report Accounts available from members only area. Click Here