Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, held on the 27th July 2002 outside Jenny's, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Surrey, Meeting called to order at 14:55

1. In Attendance

1.1. Jonathan (Micky) Kemp, Antony Dingle, Simon Hardy, Lee Sargant, Russ, Rachel Dingle (non-member).

2. Apologies

2.1. Apologies were received from Chris Manners, Peter Clarke.

3. Minutes of previous AGM.
3.1. The minutes of the previous AGM were read. There were no matters arising.

4. Reports

4.1. Antony Dingle - Vice Secretary
Organised Isle of Man 2001 and 2002. Both successful events, even if we did not maintain our unbeaten record this year in the rifle. Obtained the bank account forms from NatWest for the club account. Now arranging to get signatures from the officers of the club to get account opened.
4.2. Simon Hardy - Rifle Captain.
Nothing to do at the moment as club account not active and no Home Office Approval. Still shooting on an individual basis. Recently won a silver medal in the Sussex League.
4.3. Lee Sargant - Pistol Captain.
Nothing to do at the moment as club account not active and no Home Office Approval. Still shooting with club based at Bisley. Looking into possible affiliation deal with CAP shooting club.
4.4. Micky Kemp - Secretary.
Have been keeping web site up to date and added new features, including club forum. Sorted out membership forms and got them to members to complete. We have received most of them back and the membership database has been updated. Found out criteria for Home Office Approval and clarified questions raised by other members of the Club.

5. Notification of A.O.B.

5.1. Club Trip for 2003.

6. Micky informed the Club that he had received notification from Chris stating that he wished to reconsider his position of Treasurer with the Club. With the imminent arrival of the young Manners, Chris feels that he will not be able to dedicate the time needed to the post. Whilst there is no urgency in a volunteer stepping forward for the post, the post was made available to those present.

6.1. It was discussed that as the bank forms had not as yet been completed that if either Simon or Lee were interested in the position they should make it known at the meeting. Micky informed the meeting that as both he and Antony were already Committee Officers, they would not be able to hold a second officer position. After a discussion on the role of the post, Simon informed the meeting that he would be willing to take on the role. Proposed by Antony Dingle, seconded by Lee Sargant, passed unanimously. Simon, Antony and Chris will discuss the arrangements with regard to the club account.

7. A.O.B. - Club Trip 2003.

7.1. The meeting discussed various options for future club trips and events. Amongst those discussed was a proposed trip to the Isle Of Man during the summer months, when it was warmer and not connected with the Student Festival of Sport. The feeling was that on previous trips, whilst an enjoyable time had been had by all, no one had actually had the opportunity to see the Island. Therefore it was proposed that we could make a long weekend of the trip with some shooting but time for people to do other activities as they wished. This would also mean that member's girlfriends and wives would not feel left out if they went on the trip. It was generally agreed that this was a good idea.
7.2. The meeting then discussed a possible trip to the United States, possibly in 2004. This would obviously be of at least a week in length and again should be aimed more as a holiday that happened to coincide with some shooting and a club trip.
7.3. The general consensus was to open a topic on the club's web forum for discussion to get a broader range of views from the membership as to what they wanted. Micky to arrange.

8. Finally, Micky presented Lee with his Half Colours badge from the University Of Plymouth Students' Union, which has been in his possession for too long. Lee was awarded Half Colours in 1998 for his contributions to the University Of Plymouth Shooting Club.

Meeting closed at 15:45

Results of the vote on the club bank account.
The proposals were:
1. Do you agree to allow The Committee Officers to set up an account with
NatWest in the name of "The Spent Cases Shooting Club"?

2. Do you accept that the authorised signatories will be: Chris Manners,
Antony Dingle, Pete Clarke and Micky Kemp - even if only Chris and Antony are
listed at the accounts opening?

3. Do you agree that only one of the nominated signatories is required to
sign for withdrawals against the account?

Proposal 1: 8 for, 0 against
Proposal 2: 8 for, 0 against
Proposal 3: 7 for, 0 against, 1 conditional.

As a result the club bank account will be setup with NatWest in the name of The Spent Cases Shooting Club. The authorised signatures will be from the 4 committee officers. Only one signature will be required for a withdrawal on the club account. All withdrawals must be approved by at least one other committee officer in writing (e-mail permitted provided it is printed and kept by the Treasurer). If the withdrawal has been approved at General or Committee Meeting, no further approval is required.